from __future__ import annotations from typing import Callable, Iterable """ The Image class lets you create and modify images that you can show on the hub matrix display using the hub.display module. """ class Image: def __init__(self, *args): """ Create a new image object for use with the function. ``` Image(string: str) Image(width: int, height: int) Image(width: int, height: int, buffer: bytes) ``` You can use one of the signatures above to initialize an image, depending on what you need. ### Parameters - `string` - String of the form "00900:09990:99999:09990:09090:", representing the brightness of each pixel (0 to 9). Pixels are listed row by row, separated by a colon (:) or line break (\\n). - `width` - Number of pixels in one row of the new image. - `height` - Number of pixels in one column of the new image. - `buffer` - Bytes representing the brightness values of each pixel in the new image. The buffer size must be equal to width * height. If you give a with and height but no buffer, you will get an image where all pixels are zero. """ pass def width(self) -> int: """ Gets the width of the image as a number of pixels. """ pass def height(self) -> int: """ Gets the width of the image as a number of pixels. """ pass def shift_left(n: int) -> 'Image': """ Shifts the image to the left. ### Parameters - `n1 - By how many pixels to shift the image. ### Returns - A new, shifted image. """ pass def shift_right(n: int) -> 'Image': """ Shifts the image to the right. ### Parameters - `n` - By how many pixels to shift the image. ### Returns - A new, shifted image. """ pass def shift_up(n: int) -> 'Image': """ Shifts the image up. ### Parameters - `n` - By how many pixels to shift the image. ### Returns - A new, shifted image. """ pass def shift_down(n: int) -> 'Image': """ Shifts the image down. ### Parameters - `n` - By how many pixels to shift the image. ### Returns - A new, shifted image. """ pass def get_pixel(x: int, y: int, brightness: int) -> int: """ Gets the brightness of one pixel in the image. ### Parameters - `x` - Pixel position counted from the left, starting at zero. - `y` - Pixel position counted from the top, starting at zero. ### Returns - Brightness (0-9) of the requested pixel. """ pass def set_pixel(x: int, y: int, brightness: int) -> None: """ Sets the brightness of one pixel in the image. ### Parameters - `x` - Pixel position counted from the left, starting at zero. - `y` - Pixel position counted from the top, starting at zero. - `brightness` - Brightness between 0 (fully off) and 9 (fully on). ### Raises - `ValueError` - If x or y are negative or larger than the image size. - `TypeError` - If you try to modify a built-in image such as HEART. """ pass ANGRY: Image ARROW_E: Image ARROW_N: Image ARROW_NE: Image ARROW_NW: Image ARROW_S: Image ARROW_SE: Image ARROW_SW: Image ARROW_W: Image ASLEEP: Image BUTTERFLY: Image CHESSBOARD: Image CLOCK1: Image CLOCK2: Image CLOCK3: Image CLOCK4: Image CLOCK5: Image CLOCK6: Image CLOCK7: Image CLOCK8: Image CLOCK9: Image CLOCK10: Image CLOCK11: Image CLOCK12: Image CONFUSED: Image COW: Image DIAMOND: Image DIAMOND_SMALL: Image DUCK: Image FABULOUS: Image GHOST: Image GIRAFFE: Image GO_DOWN: Image GO_LEFT: Image GO_RIGHT: Image GO_UP: Image HAPPY: Image HEART: Image HEART_SMALL: Image HOUSE: Image MEH: Image MUSIC_CROTCHET: Image MUSIC_QUAVER: Image MUSIC_QUAVERS: Image NO: Image PACMAN: Image PITCHFORK: Image RABBIT: Image ROLLERSKATE: Image SAD: Image SILLY: Image SKULL: Image SMILE: Image SNAKE: Image SQUARE: Image SQUARE_SMALL: Image STICKFIGURE: Image SURPRISED: Image SWORD: Image TARGET: Image TORTOISE: Image TRIANGLE: Image TRIANGLE_LEFT: Image TSHIRT: Image UMBRELLA: Image XMAS: Image YES: Image ALL_CLOCKS: Image ALL_ARROWS: Image #Built-in images Image.ANGRY = Image('90009:09090:00000:99999:90909:') Image.ARROW_E = Image('00900:00090:99999:00090:00900:') Image.ARROW_N = Image('00900:09990:90909:00900:00900:') Image.ARROW_NE = Image('00999:00099:00909:09000:90000:') Image.ARROW_NW = Image('99900:99000:90900:00090:00009:') Image.ARROW_S = Image('00900:00900:90909:09990:00900:') Image.ARROW_SE = Image('90000:09000:00909:00099:00999:') Image.ARROW_SW = Image('00009:00090:90900:99000:99900:') Image.ARROW_W = Image('00900:09000:99999:09000:00900:') Image.ASLEEP = Image('00000:99099:00000:09990:00000:') Image.BUTTERFLY = Image('99099:99999:00900:99999:99099:') Image.CHESSBOARD = Image('09090:90909:09090:90909:09090:') Image.CLOCK1 = Image('00090:00090:00900:00000:00000:') Image.CLOCK2 = Image('00000:00099:00900:00000:00000:') Image.CLOCK3 = Image('00000:00000:00999:00000:00000:') Image.CLOCK4 = Image('00000:00000:00900:00099:00000:') Image.CLOCK5 = Image('00000:00000:00900:00090:00090:') Image.CLOCK6 = Image('00000:00000:00900:00900:00900:') Image.CLOCK7 = Image('00000:00000:00900:09000:09000:') Image.CLOCK8 = Image('00000:00000:00900:99000:00000:') Image.CLOCK9 = Image('00000:00000:99900:00000:00000:') Image.CLOCK10 = Image('00000:99000:00900:00000:00000:') Image.CLOCK11 = Image('09000:09000:00900:00000:00000:') Image.CLOCK12 = Image('00900:00900:00900:00000:00000:') Image.CONFUSED = Image('00000:09090:00000:09090:90909:') Image.COW = Image('90009:90009:99999:09990:00900:') Image.DIAMOND = Image('00900:09090:90009:09090:00900:') Image.DIAMOND_SMALL = Image('00000:00900:09090:00900:00000:') Image.DUCK = Image('09900:99900:09999:09990:00000:') Image.FABULOUS = Image('99999:99099:00000:09090:09990:') Image.GHOST = Image('99999:90909:99999:99999:90909:') Image.GIRAFFE = Image('99000:09000:09000:09990:09090:') Image.GO_DOWN = Image('00000:99999:09990:00900:00000:') Image.GO_LEFT = Image('00090:00990:09990:00990:00090:') Image.GO_RIGHT = Image('09000:09900:09990:09900:09000:') Image.GO_UP = Image('00000:00900:09990:99999:00000:') Image.HAPPY = Image('00000:09090:00000:90009:09990:') Image.HEART = Image('09090:99999:99999:09990:00900:') Image.HEART_SMALL = Image('00000:09090:09990:00900:00000:') Image.HOUSE = Image('00900:09990:99999:09990:09090:') Image.MEH = Image('09090:00000:00090:00900:09000:') Image.MUSIC_CROTCHET = Image('00900:00900:00900:99900:99900:') Image.MUSIC_QUAVER = Image('00900:00990:00909:99900:99900:') Image.MUSIC_QUAVERS = Image('09999:09009:09009:99099:99099:') Image.NO = Image('90009:09090:00900:09090:90009:') Image.PACMAN = Image('09999:99090:99900:99990:09999:') Image.PITCHFORK = Image('90909:90909:99999:00900:00900:') Image.RABBIT = Image('90900:90900:99990:99090:99990:') Image.ROLLERSKATE = Image('00099:00099:99999:99999:09090:') Image.SAD = Image('00000:09090:00000:09990:90009:') Image.SILLY = Image('90009:00000:99999:00909:00999:') Image.SKULL = Image('09990:90909:99999:09990:09990:') Image.SMILE = Image('00000:00000:00000:90009:09990:') Image.SNAKE = Image('99000:99099:09090:09990:00000:') Image.SQUARE = Image('99999:90009:90009:90009:99999:') Image.SQUARE_SMALL = Image('00000:09990:09090:09990:00000:') Image.STICKFIGURE = Image('00900:99999:00900:09090:90009:') Image.SURPRISED = Image('09090:00000:00900:09090:00900:') Image.SWORD = Image('00900:00900:00900:09990:00900:') Image.TARGET = Image('00900:09990:99099:09990:00900:') Image.TORTOISE = Image('00000:09990:99999:09090:00000:') Image.TRIANGLE = Image('00000:00900:09090:99999:00000:') Image.TRIANGLE_LEFT = Image('90000:99000:90900:90090:99999:') Image.TSHIRT = Image('99099:99999:09990:09990:09990:') Image.UMBRELLA = Image('09990:99999:00900:90900:09900:') Image.XMAS = Image('00900:09990:00900:09990:99999:') Image.YES = Image('00000:00009:00090:90900:09000:') #Built-in tuples of images Image.ALL_CLOCKS = (Image('00900:00900:00900:00000:00000:'), Image('00090:00090:00900:00000:00000:'), Image('00000:00099:00900:00000:00000:'), Image('00000:00000:00999:00000:00000:'), Image('00000:00000:00900:00099:00000:'), Image('00000:00000:00900:00090:00090:'), Image('00000:00000:00900:00900:00900:'), Image('00000:00000:00900:09000:09000:'), Image('00000:00000:00900:99000:00000:'), Image('00000:00000:99900:00000:00000:'), Image('00000:99000:00900:00000:00000:'), Image('09000:09000:00900:00000:00000:')) Image.ALL_ARROWS = (Image('00900:09990:90909:00900:00900:'), Image('00999:00099:00909:09000:90000:'), Image('00900:00090:99999:00090:00900:'), Image('90000:09000:00909:00099:00999:'), Image('00900:00900:90909:09990:00900:'), Image('00009:00090:90900:99000:99900:'), Image('00900:09000:99999:09000:00900:'), Image('99900:99000:90900:00090:00009:')) """ The display module lets you control the light matrix display on the hub. """ def clear(): """ Turns off all the pixels. """ pass def rotation(rotation: int) -> None: """ Rotates the display clockwise relative to its current orientation. DEPRECATION WARNING - In the next release this is a do-nothing operation. Use the def align() API instead! Following the next release this call will be removed. """ pass def align() -> int: pass def align(face: int) -> int: """ Rotates the display by aligning the top with the given face of the hub. ### Parameters - `face` - Choose hub.FRONT, hub.BACK, hub.LEFT, or hub.RIGHT. ### Returns - The new or current alignment. """ pass def invert() -> bool: pass def invert(invert: bool) -> bool: """ Inverts all pixels. This affects what is currently displayed, as well as everything you display afterwards. In the inverted state, the brightness of each pixel is the opposite of the normal state. If a pixel has brightness b, it will be displayed with brightness 9 - b. ### Parameters - `invert` - Choose True to activate the inverted state. Choose False to restore the normal state. ### Returns - The new or current inversion state. """ pass def callback(self, function: Callable[[int], None]) -> None: """ Sets the callback function that is called when a display operation is completed or interrupted. The function must accept one argument, which indicates why the callback was called. It will receive 0 if a display operation completed successfully, or 1 if it was interrupted. ### Parameters - `function` - Callable function that takes one argument. Choose None to disable the callback. """ pass def pixel(x: int, y: int) -> int: pass def pixel(x: int, y: int, brightness: int) -> None: """ Gets or sets the brightness of one pixel. ### Parameters - `x` - Pixel position counted from the left, starting at zero. - `y` - Pixel position counted from the top, starting at zero. - `brightness` - Brightness between 0 (fully off) and 9 (fully on). ### Returns - If no brightness is given, this returns the brightness of the selected pixel. Otherwise it returns None. """ pass def show(image: Image) -> None: pass def show(image: Iterable[Image], delay=400, level=9, clear=False, wait=True, loop=False, fade=0) -> None: """ Shows an image or a sequence of images. Except for image, all arguments must be specified as keywords. ### Parameters - `image` - The image or iterable of images to be displayed. ### Keyword Arguments - `delay` - Delay between each image in the iterable. - `level` - Scales the brightness of each pixel in and image or character to a value between 0 (fully off) and 9 (fully on). - `clear` - Choose `True` to clear the display after showing the last image in the iterable. - `wait` - Choose `True` to block your program until all images are shown. Choose `False` to show all images in the background while your program continues. - `loop` - Choose `True` repeat the sequence of images for ever. Choose `False` to show it only once. - `fade` - Sets the transitional behavior between images in the sequence: The image will appear immediately. The image will appear immediately. The image fades out while the next image fades in. Images will scroll to the right. Images will scroll to the left. Images will fade in, starting from an empty display. Images will fade out, starting from the original image. """ pass