from pybricks.pupdevices import Motor, ColorSensor, UltrasonicSensor, ForceSensor, Remote from pybricks.parameters import Button, Color, Direction, Port, Side, Stop from pybricks.robotics import DriveBase from import wait, StopWatch rc = Remote(timeout=5000) print("Remote name: ", rc.light.on(Color.RED) shoot = None try: shoot = Motor(Port.F) print("found shoot motor") except: print("no shoot motor") right = Motor(Port.B) left = Motor(Port.A, Direction.COUNTERCLOCKWISE) db = DriveBase(left, right, 55, 80) # DriveBase steuert beide Motoren gemeinsam s_speed, s_accel, t_rate, t_accel = db.settings() db.settings(s_speed*0.5, s_accel, t_rate, t_accel*2) while True: # Check which buttons are pressed. db.settings(s_speed*0.5, s_accel, t_rate, t_accel*2) pressed = rc.buttons.pressed() #print(str(pressed)) speed=0 angle=0 # Check a specific button. if Button.RIGHT_PLUS in pressed: speed=1000 angle+=180, 180) if Button.LEFT_PLUS in pressed: speed=1000 angle-=180, -180) if Button.RIGHT_MINUS in pressed: speed=-1000 angle+=180, 180) if Button.LEFT_MINUS in pressed: speed=-1000 angle-=180, -180) if Button.CENTER in pressed: if shoot: # move forward to shoot angle=45 speed=1000 shoot.run_angle(-speed, angle) # move back shoot.run_angle(speed, angle) else: db.settings(s_speed*2, s_accel, t_rate, t_accel*2) speed=-1000 angle=0 if Button.LEFT_PLUS in pressed and Button.RIGHT_MINUS in pressed: db.turn(-20,wait=False,) elif Button.LEFT_MINUS in pressed and Button.RIGHT_PLUS in pressed: db.turn(20,wait=False) else:, angle) # Wait so we can see the result. # wait(50) if speed == 0 : db.stop()